Students and parents gather in the cafeteria for the Bucket Filler Assemby.

Truman Elementary recognized Black History Month at February's monthly Bucket Filler Assembly. Students showcased a historical Black figure that they researched and learned about this month to their classmates and parent attendees to express their knowledge and appreciation for that individual's contributions.

Leaders like George Washington Carver, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr., himself, were among the names highlighted in today's assembly. Before the main assembly, this month's students also received their Bucket Filler Certificates which commemorates a student's exemplary behavior in the classroom and as a role-model to others.

As Black History Month comes to a close in the coming days, the valuable lessons our students have learned will stick about Black leaders will carry on with them over the years as important reminders of our past and working to create a brighter future.

Assistant Principal Anello speaks at the assembly.Students showcase Rosa Parks projectStudents showcase MLK Jr. project.Parent poses for a photo with their studentStudents hold up Bucket Filler Certificates of Achievement